Sunday, August 16, 2009

Family Visit and Smiles!

I am so totally excited that my aunt and uncle from Maryland have come to visit Lola! after a LONG day of travel, they arrived safely and on time last night at about 8:30. What great family bait this little girl is! Of course, I have dropped a few notches in the pecking order in my family.

My mom came in last night, didn't even look at me and said, "Where's that baby?"
Bypassed me, and went right for Lola. My dad, at least, had the courtesy to hug me and ask how I was doing! I thanked him for that, too! June didn't even realize what she had done!
My Aunt Betty has been here to visit once a couple of years ago, in March, when the weather is 85 and beautiful in Phoenix. It's now August and 100+ (and that's a LOT of +'s) and humid.
My Uncle Paul has never been to Phoenix, so he is getting a first experience at the HOT in Phoenix. However, it is NOT a dry heat right now. Here is Uncle Paul and my dad having (I'm sure) a deep philosophical discussion over cocktails and cigars. It has been so nice to visit and catch up, makes me wish all our family was closer so we could see each other regularly!

Today, my friends Marcia, Kim and Enid threw Lola a very beautiful shower. They went to town with the animal print and hot pink theme of Lola's nursery. I got to see friends that I had not seen in a long time, and of course, show off Lola, who was on her best, lady-like behavior. Let's hope that lasts for the next 18 years!
So after I started writing this entry, Lola woke up from her evening nap. She typically sleeps in a bouncy seat that vibrates. When she started her, "I'm waking up" grunt, Rodney went over and sat in the rocker that was facing her. She looked up at him and smiled...and kept smiling. She also giggled a little too. I was observing this exchange from the sofa just opposite them. It was just beautiful! I went over to get in on this action--what momma wants to be left out of that treat? I was standing over his shoulder when he picked her up and she was just smiling as big as anything. I got the camera and caught this gem, boy! what a great feeling THIS first has been!I'm just tickled animal print, pink, and so proud!