Today is Lola's one month birthday! WOW! Cannot believe that she is one month old! We had our one month check up yesterday and man is our little girl turning into a chunk! At 2 weeks, she weighted 6 lbs. 8 oz. Two weeks later, yesterday, she weighted 8 lbs. 3 oz.
Sheesh...Rodney wanted to know if they sent us home to put Lola on a diet! But the doc said that
she would hit growth spurts and then plateau. It seems she just came out of a growth spurt! What was really sad about our visit was the shot. She was SUPPOSED to get her second
Hepatitis B shot yesterday, but for some reason, they gave it to her last time--which she didn't like. But the doc said it may not be effective if we didn't give it to her again. So we did. this was the first time the little girl cried real tears. And BOY did she cry! And she looked at me like I had betrayed her. And then was cranky all day long. I felt so bad for her! It made my eyes fill with tears...and the next visit has a lot more shots! Fortunately, Rodney will be going with me.

On the up side of yesterday, my friend Sherri, who I went to high school with came to town to see us. We went to see my favorite boy of all time, Rick Springfield. I saw him for the first time when I was 14 years old and have seen him every year since 2004. He really does a good show, sang all the classic Rick songs, my FAVORITE being "What's Victoria's Secret," for obvious reasons, and he always comes into the audience. Sherri got his autograph. It was good girl bonding time!

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