Well we had our first meeting with our lawyer yesterday and, in my opinion, it went pretty well. We found out that the agency in Colorado didn't send us home with one of the documents that we need to finalize. Which didn't really surprise me, but we got the request in for that document and should have it before the end of the month. We also need to get Lola's birth certificate. The lawyer said that once she files with the courts, it should only take 3 months to finalize and would like to have it done by the end of the year. What a wonderful Christmas present THAT would be! The lawyer said she was surprised that I took it well that we don't have everything. Quite frankly, I'm surprised that we've gotten this far as the whole adoption thing is a very mysterious process that I'm still not sure about. Going into this, we really didn't know anything and probably still don't!
We had another failed attempt at a photo shoot.
I made this little tutu for her and thought, "How cute she will be in the middle of all the fluff!"
She smiled at me this week (not during the tutu incident)...and not the smile she gets when she is sleeping and enjoying the vibrating crib! But it's happened only once and I can't wait for it to be a regular event. She is making eye contact and looking around at the world with wide eyed wonder...I totally am in love with this little girl!
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