We were so worried when we left about how she would do on the plane. Because she is under two, we didn't have to buy a ticket for her, which meant we would have to hold her in our laps for the duration of the flight--both of the flights it takes to get to Lubbock. So Friday morning, I headed down to this great little shop called, Mother's Milk, in Old Town Scottsdale to purchase one of those slings for on the plane. We packed plenty of bottles so that we could keep her ears clear on take off and landing and take off and landing!

The weekend was so great! We saw our nephew, Jake, play baseball...a treat we don't often get since we live so far away! It was so nice to be with family! Lola had her first day at church and held it together very well...the only squeal was during a loud song and no one really heard her anyway! She made it through lunch at Rosa's (of course) and did beautifully at the church shower. We got lots of beautiful gifts from friends of Rodney's parents...we are so touched by their generosity! We also learned about a yummy new treat called Cake Balls...can't wait to try them out!!

We thought the sling trick would work again. It did, for about two seconds. Then she started screaming. Loud. We had a little bit left in the bottle, so we put that in and voila! The crying stopped! Unfortunately, there was about 1/2 ounce in the bottle and when it was gone, she was MAD at me! So I made a quick dash when the plane landed, made a bottle and calmed her down while Rodney got our bags. All I can say is there were a lot of Vegas weekenders hating life (and us) for the last 20 minutes of that flight! Too bad the guy who cancelled our first flight wasn't in the next row! But, we can't complain, she was wonderful all weekend and misses her Nana and Papa Jay, Aunt Kristi and Uncle Bob, Cousins Hannah and Jake already!