Monday, September 14, 2009

Week Ten and Visitors

Not a lot new happening here. Nana and Papa Jay have come to visit and Lola is just getting so big. Last week we went to the pediatrician and Lola was 21 inches long and 10 pounds, 6 ounces. She's very animated, and as reported last time, she is turning over!
The pediatrician called her "determined".
We aren't sure what that means for the future exactly, but we have an inkling that means we will be chasing a little girl everywhere once those feet get some balance. She is often not content being held like a baby, and prefers to "stand" on our legs while looking at us, which is fine, but she has much more stamina (and apparently, attention) than we do and this usually can go on for a while.
After the pediatrician, we had some returns to make at Target and while we were there, we picked up the Bumbo.

If you aren't familiar with the Bumbo, it's a foam rubber type of baby seat that allows her to sit upright without being held--which she still LOVES to do. This has been a life saver when it comes to getting things done around the house. I was able to fix dinner the other night with limited interruption because of the Bumbo. Lola sat on the counter and watched me work. And she was completely entertained. Of course, she is still a little small for it (a fact that MANY people have pointed out to me) so she will quickly become this little puddle-y blob in the seat of it when she has had enough. Since she hasn't discovered toys yet, this has been good entertainment. Yay, Bumbo! Here she is with Nana in the Bumbo. She is trying to get Nana's new sparkly glasses!
The other thing people have had very strong opinions about is the green fluffy head piece. I happen to love it and she was a show stopper the day we wore it. However, I have been told not to put it on her again, and that she looks like a troll doll (to quote a few people). I'm glad my friends and family feel like they can speak their minds to me! :) I will say that my favorite look on Lola is her little feety pajamas. Here we are having some play time last night in her feety pjs!