Lola had a fun couple of days spending time with her BFF Kate. Kate came to see us this week and Lola and Kate were able to spend some time getting to know each other. It was really fun to see them interact with each other. What I learned is, "Every toy is A LOT more fun if someone else is playing with it first." Lola wanted any toy that captured Kate's interest, whether it was ok with Kate or not!
I posted some pictures on the other site of Lola playing keep-away with Kate with her little car. I find it interesting that even at such a young age, they are all about ME. MINE. Though Lola could not articulate "MINE!" she certainly communicated that sentiment! Even when it wasn't, "MINE!" We played outside in our back yard for awhile, Lola has gotten very very good about climbing to the top and going down the slide. This inspired Kate to get pretty good at it too. Which was impressive since she had not been on our slide before! After her nap yesterday, and when she woke up this morning, Lola woke up saying, "Kate. Kate. Kate. Kate..." So I know she really had fun having Kate here. When I went in her room this morning, she was in her diaper, and her PJs were across the room along with all her pillows and stuffed animals. I changed her diaper and then ran out for a second, when I came back my little girl was N-A-K-E-D and her diaper was nowhere to be seen! I really hope this isn't the beginning of a trend!
Last night we met up with some friends at the park, but not before going to Chino Bandido's (One of Rebecca's favorites and she can't get it in Colorado). While we were waiting for our food, the girls played on the statue of the Bandido. I turned my video on as Rebecca was scolding Kate for knocking Lola on the head with her fist, and caputred this:
It isn't funny that my little girl is somewhat of a bully...but it kind of is...they were ok, and loved on each other again, but see what I mean about those MINEs and MEs?
March Special
11 years ago