Lola had her 15 month check up. It's the first time that we've had to wait at all for the doctor, she's usually in and out. Because of the wait, our very busy little girl got a little antsy. So, she had quite a ball running circles around the office, as you can see by the video.
Her size is catching up to her age, which is good, so far, we've still be in 6-9 month outfits (with the exception of her feet). What shocked us was we are only 1/2 inch away from needing a new car seat! We thought we had loads of time. Wrong! What caused me the most stress when preparing for her, was shopping for the car seat. I probably spent hours online, and at least 6 trips to Babies R Us to look at them. So when we found that out, I panicked a little. I mean, what's the difference between the $99 car seat vs. the $450 car seat? And because the car seat will not go in and out of the car, we will need two. ACK!
One of the things that the pediatrician said was we need to get her using crayons. She had said this at the 12 month, however we were in a restaurant with crayons and all she wanted to do was eat them, so we didn't push it. On our way home, we stopped by Walmart and got some paper and crayons. All she wanted to do was crumple the paper and eat the crayon. Next diaper change should be fun.
What she has really enjoyed is our trips to the mall when she can play at the play place. She hasn't quite figured out that she has to crawl up the steps to get down the slide, rather than climb back up the slide. Otherwise, her favorite thing to do there is RUN in the big open area. Nada was horrified that we would take Lola there, her nickname for the play place is "Infestation Island."