Heading into the second year is so different than where we were a year ago. A year ago, we were trying to get my craft room turned into Lola's room; we were trying to figure our our work schedule and make sure our centers were staffed appropriately; and we were learning how to work our sleeping schedules around Lola's. So our house was a mess, our sleep habits were all over the place, and we and we were trying to figure out our new life. OK, so I guess not a lot has changed! This year, our house is a mess because we have a giant play pen in the middle of our living room; we are trying to figure out our work schedules-- how often and what days to take Lola to the sitter; and, we are still sleep deprived!
I know we'll figure it out, and I'm sure once we do, things will change again. Rodney is looking at starting a new job, more in his line of experience and he's fairly excited about that. Again, we are going to have to figure out our Lola schedules.
Lola enjoys going to the sitter. It's been just her a lot of the time this summer as two of the other kids who are there, stay with their teacher-mom during the summer. I'm kind of excited for them to go back, I think Lola likes playing with the other kids.
My new adventure has been Lola's eating habits. When she turned a year, and perhaps a little before that, we had started on finger foods. She only gets two bottles a day now, and that's milk. She really likes the milk. I'm glad, 'cause I'm not a fan! We are fortunate that she is not a picky eater. The only two foods she doesn't like are avocados and cottage cheese. Since cooking isn't my thing, I've been trying to find fun finger food for her to eat. The pediatrician said she should be able to eat anything we eat...problem is, WE don't eat very well. So the new adventure is really changing our eating habits to meet hers. I'd really like to raise a child who eats healthy, and unfortunately, Rodney and I are not very good examples!
I was in Kohl's a couple of weeks ago and found a great cookbook. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not too good about following a recipe. Sometimes that's good, sometimes not so much. Usually it's because I don't have something the recipe calls for, sometimes it's because I have no idea what it is the recipe is talking about.
But the cookbook I found has every day food with a twist. Almost everything has a veggie puree in it. And it's all pretty easy to make. It's called "Deceptively Delicious". It's by Jessica Seinfeld who apparently has picky eaters at home. That's not our case, but I like the idea of having veggies in everything we cook. For Lola as well as for us. So stay tuned for my review on Lola's eating and my cooking!
March Special
11 years ago