Sunday, September 27, 2009

More Lawyers and Stuff

I started this most recent blog by complaining that no one had gotten back to me regarding the paperwork we needed to get the paperwork filed to the court, however, the next day, we received a packet in the mail confirming that everything had been sent/received. Woo hoo! Gam-ma and Gam-pa have been here this week. It's been nice to have them here. Dad has been going to his appointments at Mayo, and although we have an answer to what is wrong with him, at least what is wrong with his intestines, they are not sure what the next steps are. Apparently, what is wrong with him is quite rare and most GI docs have never heard of it, and the only place they can test for it is at Philadelphia Children's Hospital. Weird! Right now, momma and daddy are going to get their flu shots...then in a couple of weeks, we are going to get our H1N1 flu shot. Lola is too young for that, but we are not, and we don't want to bring those nasty buggers home to baby girl! It's been a while since we've had any big news to report, I guess no big advances in her development have occurred and we really haven't done anything worth reporting on...until now! This week has been very restful...the big reason? We have all of a sudden decided we want to SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! The first night it happened, we thought it was a fluke, or I thought that I had slept so hard I missed the wee early morning grunts that alert me to the tummy rumbles. But nope. Four out of the last 5 nights have been straight through! And from months 1 to 2, she was inconsistently eating between 3 and 4 oz. at each feeding (about 4 hours apart) but the last week or so, she has DRAINED the 4 oz bottle in about 10 minutes. This morning, she didn't seem quite satisfied, so I made 2 more oz. and she drained that too. Wow! It's like a switch was flipped. Officially, she won't be three months old until the 4th, however, week wise she hit three months on Saturday. It has been so fun to watch her grow. She's still sporting the "Terry Bradshaw" hairstyle (if you don't know what I mean, tune into Fox NFL'll see what I mean) in case any of you are wondering what's going on under the hats! She is also getting big! Last weigh in she was 11 lbs! That's twice the size she was when we left the hospital! Holding her head up, "supported sitting", and rolling over --when she feels like it. Gam-ma said she runs 10 miles every day just wiggling her feet. I'm guessing we will bypass the crawling and go right to running!
Lola had a rough evening, she knows Gam-ma and Gam-pa are leaving in the morning and it will be a while before she sees them again. :( But it was a lovely visit and we wish we all lived closer!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Grandparents and Fun!

Last week, Nana and Papa Jay came to visit us in Phoenix. Lola really enjoyed spending time with her grandparents and wishes they lived closer. We also enjoyed our time with Rodney's parents. This week, MY mom is here helping us out while we are at the Sylvan conference. Lola was great the first day, then the second day, Ga-ma didn't know that Lola sleeps A LOT; so there was lots of play time...and LOTS of fussy! She went to breakfast with us that last day of conference and Lola was decked out in her Sylvan's never too early to start Sylvan! We really enjoyed showing her off! We also couldn't have done it without my mom here to help!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week Ten and Visitors

Not a lot new happening here. Nana and Papa Jay have come to visit and Lola is just getting so big. Last week we went to the pediatrician and Lola was 21 inches long and 10 pounds, 6 ounces. She's very animated, and as reported last time, she is turning over!
The pediatrician called her "determined".
We aren't sure what that means for the future exactly, but we have an inkling that means we will be chasing a little girl everywhere once those feet get some balance. She is often not content being held like a baby, and prefers to "stand" on our legs while looking at us, which is fine, but she has much more stamina (and apparently, attention) than we do and this usually can go on for a while.
After the pediatrician, we had some returns to make at Target and while we were there, we picked up the Bumbo.

If you aren't familiar with the Bumbo, it's a foam rubber type of baby seat that allows her to sit upright without being held--which she still LOVES to do. This has been a life saver when it comes to getting things done around the house. I was able to fix dinner the other night with limited interruption because of the Bumbo. Lola sat on the counter and watched me work. And she was completely entertained. Of course, she is still a little small for it (a fact that MANY people have pointed out to me) so she will quickly become this little puddle-y blob in the seat of it when she has had enough. Since she hasn't discovered toys yet, this has been good entertainment. Yay, Bumbo! Here she is with Nana in the Bumbo. She is trying to get Nana's new sparkly glasses!
The other thing people have had very strong opinions about is the green fluffy head piece. I happen to love it and she was a show stopper the day we wore it. However, I have been told not to put it on her again, and that she looks like a troll doll (to quote a few people). I'm glad my friends and family feel like they can speak their minds to me! :) I will say that my favorite look on Lola is her little feety pajamas. Here we are having some play time last night in her feety pjs!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Two Months and New Firsts

Yesterday Lola turned two months old. It's flown and she is growing, literally, right before our eyes! It has also been so fun to see this little tiny person do things for the first time. Today, it was rolling over...and over and over and over. (We kept doing it, just to be sure it wasn't a fluke!) As many of you know, I'm somewhat glued to my computer and this morning was no exception. A friend of ours who also has a little baby, had posted a picture on their blog of their little girl having tummy time on an ottoman. So Rodney brought in the ottoman from Lola's room and put the tummy-time mat on it so that I could be on my laptop and have Lola within reach. She hates tummy-time, and we have been lax in getting her to do it anywhere but on our chests. It's just sad to put her on her tummy and listen to her cry, so we just haven't been very disciplined in doing it. The fun thing about doing it on our chests is that she will push away with her hands and feet, then lean to one side and topple over. Then she alternates sides. We like that she seems to enjoy that when we do it and we get to participate. But the pediatrician told us we also needed to do tummy-time on a flat surface as well.
So this morning, we decided we needed to do it right. So I was on my laptop, chatting with a friend, and I notice that she was heading over. So I scooted the tummy time mat to the opposite edge of the ottoman so she didn't roll off, then started watching. Slowly she was rotating herself so that she was 1/4 of the way there, then 1/2 -- which is where I started snapping pictures, then voila! She was on her back. I SO couldn't believe it! So I flipped her
over and off she was again. And again, and again, and again. Four more times we did it before Rodney came to see. It would have been just my luck that she didn't do it again, but nope, over she went. We couldn't get her to stay on her stomach. So, looks like we may have missed our tummy-time window. It was just so exciting! I felt like I was at a sporting event rooting for my very favorite team! Go Lola! Go Lola! Wow!
Yesterday was the first Tech game of the season...Lola was decked out and ready to root for the Red Raiders with her daddy. Unfortunately, we don't get very many Tech games on TV here, so really she was sporting the red and black while Daddy got mobile updates sent to his phone! Either way, Momma had fun putting her in her little head to toe Red Raider outfit!
Our other first was the first time to leave Lola with a babysitter. We went to dinner with some friends last night and our neighbor's daughter (the one who house sat for us when we went to get Lola) came over and sat with Lola. We had a fun night out, but did miss our little girl. It was the first time we both went out and someone other than family watched her. We go to the pediatrician again on Tuesday, and then it's time for shots! Lola doesn't know the difference, but Rodney and I aren't looking forward to it at all. Will let everyone know how it goes! So, a very exciting day in the Sherrard household. One thing I've discovered is that this little girl is making my body ache! For some reason, I have injured my left wrist, right wrist and my lower back aches from leaning over and changing her. So one solution for me was to convert an old dresser we had in the garage to a changing table. It was a fun little project and I'm very pleased with the results. I sanded down the faces of the drawers and painted them animal print. Then replaced the bronze lion face drawer pulls with hot pink ones. So cute and today, my back doesn't hurt!
Here are the "plunger" pics side by side so we can see how she has grown in comparison to the pacifier!